31st December, 2020 - Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland
Tomorrow, 1st January, 2021 is the 150th anniversary of the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland and to explain the background of this significant event in the Church the Association for Promoting Christian Knowledge (APCK) has produced a very informative leaflet. APCK is linked to the Church of Ireland but is independent from it and is the publisher of a series of pamphlets which provide a Church of Ireland perspective on important issues of belief and practice.
Follow this link to find out more about disestablishment - Disestablishment 1871
25th December, 2020 - Christmas Day (and until Epiphany)
Parishioners attending church this morning were greeted with a very special Nativity scene in the baptistry. The church couldn’t be decorated for Christmas in its normal way but this scene portrayed the Christmas message and the birth of the Messiah. A Christmas tree was the only decoration in the church this year. Following the Epiphany the scene was changed to show the visit of the Magi coming to worship Jesus.
8th November, 2020 - Remembrance Sunday
Today’s Service of Remembrance had a very different format to normal years due to the Coronavirus restrictions but the sentiments of remembrance remained the same. There couldn’t be a presentation of flags by the youth groups and the number in the congregation was limited but the service was still a very moving and fitting tribute to the twenty four service men who made the supreme sacrifice in two world wars. A wreath of poppies was placed below the memorial and each man’s name was read out in turn, before William Hill played the Last Post, whereupon a two minutes silence was observed. The silence was a time for reflection on how men associated with St Bride’s church answered the call of King and Country in both wars but would never return to their families. They lie at rest in France, Belgium, Germany and Burma, most with marked graves, but some whose resting place is known only unto God.
We will remember them.
For more information on each of these men please visit the ‘War Memorials’ page on this website.
4th October, 2020 - Guest Organist and Singing in Church
Tim Wilson
It was wonderful to hear the sound of the organ being played again this morning as today hymn singing was once again allowed in church. Any cobwebs that may have accumulated in the organ pipes were soon cleared as our new temporary organist, Tim Wilson, very quickly familiarised himself with its layout before the 11:00 am service. Tim has been a friend of our Rector since teacher training days in Stranmillis College and will be with us for a few months. He was warmly welcomed by all and members of the choir are looking forward to working with him in the coming weeks.
27th September, 2020 - Harvest Thanksgiving
It was a rather different Harvest Thanksgiving in St Bride’s this morning as the normal decoration of the church wasn’t possible this year due to the Coronavirus and the issues around sanitation, etc. However there were some token decorations in the Sanctuary in front of the Holy Table and this certainly gave a flavour of this wonderful season. The church was shrouded in autumnal mist as parishioners made their way into the early service at 10:00am but they emerged into beautiful seasonal sunshine at they left. Guest preacher for both services was Rev. Canon Shane Forster who is rector of St Mark’s Church in the parish of Ballymore in Tandragee. Canon Forster’s sermon took the theme of remembering who gives us the ability to produce a bountiful harvest and that we must never forget to be rich towards God. He emphasised the extreme poverty in the world, and despite how rich many countries are, millions across the globe still die from hunger or hunger related illnesses. His sermon was illustrated by the earlier readings from the Book Deuteronomy, Chapter 8, and the Holy Gospel according to St Luke, Chapter 12 (follow this link to the ‘Prayer and Worship’ page and then to the readings).
6th September, 2020 - The Kilbride Herald
The latest edition of the Kilbride Herald is now available to read - just follow this link to the Useful Information and Links page and click on the link;
The Herald - September/October
6th August, 2020 - Wedding Day
Kerry McLeod and Gavin Knipe were married in St Bride’s today and theirs was the first wedding in church since its enforced closure back in March because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Best wishes to Kerry and Gavin for their future life together, from everyone in St Bride’s.
19th July, 2020 - People’s Church Warden
A newly-elected People’s Church Warden took on her first duties at this morning’s service of Holy Communion. Diane Hurst has taken on the role from Hazel McDonald who resigned from the position in recents weeks. Diane was elected to this important position at a recent Select Vestry meeting convened for that purpose. Best wishes go to her from everyone in St Bride’s.
12th July, 2020 - Return to Church
Today was the first time in 17 weeks or so that a Sunday service was held in St Bride’s as government restrictions eased and parishioners were allowed back into the church building. Social distancing was very much to the fore with numerous precautions having been taken to ensure that the rules were adhered to. Separation within and between pews very much restricted the numbers the church could hold but for the small number who were able to attend it was good to be able to worship in St Bride’s once again. A much shortened service as singing still isn’t possible so there were no hymns and as everyone was wearing a face mask it might have been a rather muffled sound anyway!
It felt a little strange but it was good to be back…..
12th June, 2020 - Church of Ireland Gazette: June Edition
The latest edition of the Church of Ireland Gazette is now available to read on-line and free of charge.
Just follow this link to the Church of Ireland website and look for the latest edition front cover as seen below - Church of Ireland Gazette: June Edition
Read it on-line or download a copy.
17th May, 2020 The Herald - Emergency Edition 3
The latest edition of the Herald is now available to read on the ‘Useful Information & Links’ page of this website - either go to that page or follow this link - The Herald
11th May, 2020 - Church of Ireland Gazette: May Edition
The latest edition of the Church of Ireland Gazette is now available to read on-line and free of charge.
Just follow this link to the Church of Ireland website and below the photograph, as seen below, there is a second link which will take you to the magazine - Church of Ireland Gazette: May Edition
Read it on-line or download a copy.
16th April, 2020 - Emergency Editions of the Herald Church Magazine
There are two emergency editions of the Herald available to read on the ‘Useful Information & Links’ page of this website - either go to that page or follow this link - The Herald
1st April, 2020 - Church of Ireland Gazette: April Edition
Given the current Coronavirus crisis and the obvious difficulties in the distribution of the latest edition of the Gazette the Church of Ireland has made it available to read on-line and free of charge.
Just follow this link to the Church of Ireland website and below the photograph as seen below there is a second link which will take you to the magazine - Church of Ireland Gazette: April Edition
Read it on-line or download a copy.
13th March, 2020 - Cancellation of St Patrick’s Celebration Stew Lunch Planned for Sunday, 15th March
Following a new directive by Church of Ireland authorities today relating to large gatherings and the risk of infection by the coronavirus, the special St Patrick’s celebration stew lunch planned for Sunday has unfortunately been cancelled.
12th March, 2020 - A Prayer in the Time of the Coronavirus
Follow this link to read a prayer in the time of the coronavirus written by Archbishop Michael Jackson - Coronavirus Prayer
11th March, 2020 - Kilbride Parish Church Ladies’ Group - Movie Night
The ladies in the parish together, with some friends, had a very enjoyable evening together in the Parish Room watching a romcom movie. Watching a movie wouldn’t be complete without popcorn and Barbara Rea was on hand, complete with uniform, to hand out the tasty snacks.
11th March, 2020 - Important Church of Ireland Announcements
Two very important appointments were confirmed by the House of Bishops in Dublin today - Bishop John McDowell was elected Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland and Archdeacon George Davison was confirmed as Bishop-designate of Connor. To read more on these new appointments please follow this link - Diocese of Connor News
8th March, 2020 - Presentation of Cheque to AgeNI
Members of the Select Vestry from Kilbride Parish Church were delighted to be able to hand over a cheque for £300 this morning, to help the work of AgeNI in Ballyclare. The presentation took place in the Town Hall during one of the group’s normal meetings. Hazel McDonald handed over the cheque to Mary Todd from the Ballyclare branch of AgeNI, accompanied by Lillian Lyttle, Carol Ireland and our Rector, Rev. Canon David Humphries.
If you would like to find out more about what AgeNI do and how they help older people in the community please follow this link - AgeNI
4th March, 2020 - Watchmen Visit to War Years Remembered
The Watchmen group had another very enjoyable visit to the War Years Remembered museum in Ballyclare this evening. Following on from last year’s visit when the talk covered World War 1 this year’s visit concentrated on the events of World War 2. The curator is David McCallion and he has spent a lifetime building up the exhibits for the museum by purchasing them or by donation. His enthusiasm and knowledge of the two world wars and Northern Ireland’s and Ireland’s role in them is immense and this came across in his talk on some of the main topics of World War 2. Of particular interest was the new exhibit on the most decorated soldier in Northern Ireland’s history and indeed in the British Army, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Blair ‘Paddy’ Mayne. Mayne’s family, who live in Newtownards, recently presented the museum with virtually all of his war records, letters and army memorabilia, and it now takes pride of place within the museum.
For more information on this exceptional soldier follow this link - Lt Col. Robert Blair Mayne
28 February, 2020 - Important Press Release regarding the Coronavirus
Church of Ireland Guidance in relation to Novel Coronavirus (Covid–19)
The following advisory guidelines for the Church of Ireland’s response regarding the novel coronavirus (Covid–19) reflect previous advice provided by the Church as a response to pandemic flu. The guidelines offer a general framework to parishes, subject to further approval or other advice that may be considered appropriate by the diocesan bishop.
1. Follow all public health guidance provided by state authorities – the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland (www.publichealth.hscni.net) and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre in the Republic of Ireland (www.hpsc.ie).
2. Physical interaction during services, including the Sign of Peace, should be suspended. Clergy may choose to give the congregation permission to carry out an alternative Sign of Peace that does not involve hand contact (e.g. a smile, nod or bow) if so wished. Shaking hands on greeting and departure at religious services/gatherings should be suspended. Observe good hand and general hygiene – thorough hand–washing with soap or sanitisers and disposal of tissues.
3. Stay at home if you feel ill and display influenza–like symptoms. The symptoms to be aware of in the case of the coronavirus include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, and fever. Do not come to church services until you feel well.
4. The Church’s duty of care extends to members of the clergy. If you have influenza–type symptoms, do not call the clergy for pastoral visitation. Pastoral support for parishioners who are unable to attend church services should be provided by telephone or online (e.g. Skype).
5. Everyone administering Holy Communion should wash their hands or use alcohol–based hand gel before beginning. Holy Communion should be administered only in one kind (bread) and placed into the hands only and not onto the tongue. Only the celebrant should drink from the chalice. Holy Communion is normally received in both kinds separately – bread and wine – but may be received in either kind, and those who are incapable of receiving the sacrament are to be assured that they are by faith partakers of the body and blood of Christ and of the benefits He conveys to us by them (Book of Common Prayer, p.440). Intinction should be avoided.
Guidance for religious services has been provided by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre and is available at this link.
Any further guidance for either jurisdiction will be circulated as and when available.
The following public health posters for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are available along with graphics for use on websites, social media channels and presentations (e.g. church announcement slides). The resources have been produced by the Public Health Agency and the Health Service Executive.
Poster (for Northern Ireland parishes)
Poster (for Republic of Ireland parishes)
Graphic (square)
Graphic (landscape/banner)
For further information please contact:
Church of Ireland Press Office
Church of Ireland House
61–67 Donegall Street
Belfast, BT1 2QH
Tel: (028) 9082 8880 (from NI)
Tel: (048) 9082 8880 (from RoI)
Email: Press Office
Peter Cheney
+44 (0)7774 295369
23rd February, 2020 - Holy Baptism
This morning’s family service included the baptism of a baby boy. He was named Jake Jeffrey John and he is pictured here with his parents, Natasha and Christopher, his godparents, Samantha and Stephen and our Rector, Rev. Canon David Humphries..
12th February, 2020 - Kilbride Parish Ladies’ Group; Decluttering
So many people admit to being hoarders or collectors and find they are stressed by the clutter in their home but few take the brave step to get help. This evening’s guest speaker was Gwen Montgomery who explained how to deal with clutter as well as how to address the underlying issues and habits that need to be changed. Gwen runs a business on the basis of decluttering and she highlighted the therapeutic effect of letting stuff go and clearing out bags to the skip or the charity shop and that it is a wonderful feeling which almost all of her clients express at the end of their first session. If you want to find out more go to Gwen’s website by following this link - Sorted! By Gwen
9th February, 2020 - Climate Justice Candle
Eco-Congregation Ireland’s ‘Shine a Light on Climate Justice’ initiative was launched at the National Ecumenical Prayer Service for COP21 in the presence of President Michael D. Higgins in November, 2015. The climate Justice Candle has been journeying around Ireland and Northern Ireland since then.
ECI is a project initiated by the Church in Society Forum – a standing committee of the Irish Inter-Church Meeting. The Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist churches are involved as well as the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Climate Justice is a term used for framing global warming as an ethical and political issue, rather than one that is purely environmental or physical in nature. Eco-Congregation Ireland (ECI) encourages churches of all denominations to take an eco approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, community outreach and contact with the developing world. The Climate Justice Candle has been travelling around Ireland since November 2015, and Kilbride parish was both pleased and proud that it had arrived in St Bride’s today. Kilbride is in the process of developing its own environmental stewardship policy, and is presently trying to encourage parishioners to adopt a spiritual and practical means of looking after God’s world.
29th January, 2020 - Denial
The Watchmen from Kilbride, together with wives and friends, visited the Omniplex cinema in Larne this evening for a special viewing of the film Denial. The film charted the court case that was brought against an American author by an English historian who denied that the Holocaust had ever happened. It was an excellent film, based on a true story, and it touched on a very topical subject with Holocaust Memorial Day being on 27th January.
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, through its Good Relations Programme, presented Holocaust Memorial Day special screenings of Denial. Tickets were provided free of charge by the council to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to raise awareness of this atrocity during World War 2.
Sunday, 26th January, 2020 - Holocaust Sunday
During this morning’s service in St Bride’s the people who died in the Holocaust were remembered in a very poignant time of prayer and reflection. Over six million people, most of them Jews, died across Nazi-occupied Europe during the Second World War, at the hands of a regime that tried to eliminate every Jew in the countries controlled by the Nazis. Holocaust Memorial Day has been held on 27th January every year since 2001, a date chosen as it is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland by the Russians in 1945. Tomorrow marks the 75th anniversary of its liberation.
18th January, 2020 - Visit to Ulster Rugby at the Kingspan Stadium
A group of seventeen parishioners and friends made the trip to the Kingspan stadium this afternoon to watch Ulster take on Bath in what was a crunch match for Ulster if they wanted to ensure qualification for the quarter finals of the European Rugby Champions Cup. Sitting second in the group a win was needed to ensure they went through and although they scored early the men in white couldn’t quite get far enough in front in the first half to settle the fans’ nerves! Bath couldn’t qualify, even with a bonus point win, but they weren’t making life easy for Ulster as they soon came back with a score to level the match before half time. An early score in the second half by Ulster and things were going the right way and this was followed up with another soon after so Ulster had a buffer with Bath needing to score twice to spoil the party. Bath came back with a converted try bringing them into contention again but a penalty gave Ulster a seven point lead with only a few nervous minutes to hold on for to guarantee the win. Success and it’s away to Toulouse in southern France for the quarter final! A thoroughly enjoyable day out once again.
8th January, 2020 - Kilbride Parish Ladies’ Group; Dorset Buttons
This evening’s meeting was very well attended and the ladies were given a demonstration of how to make a Dorset button and how this very old way of making buttons for clothing can be adapted to make various decorative objects such as bookmarks and earrings. Jackie MacDonald is an expert in making these and she gave the ladies an opportunity to ‘have-a-go’ with some very attractive results.
7th January, 2020 - Watchmen Meeting; ‘Lasers: the light fantastic’
Alistair Montgomery spent most of his working life in the Physics Department of Queen’s University, Belfast and he has considerable experience in the experimentation with, and use of lasers in the work place and in many everyday applications. During this evening’s meeting he gave an extremely informative and interesting presentation on what they are and how they are used, in everything from bar-code readers, medicine and industry to name a few.
7th January, 2020 - Equipping For Life
Rev. Brother David Jardine visited Kilbride last year and gave a talk on the work of a charity he helped to found in Belfast called Equipping for Life. This charity uses adult volunteers to assist school children in schools who may be struggling with reading. Tutoring is carried out on a one-to-one basis and during his talk in St Bride’s he highlighted that the charity was having a really positive impact on the children but that it still needed more volunteers. Patricia Robinson and Kate Henry discussed this need with Brother Jardine after the service and decided to volunteer and have been active in the past months in Harmony Primary School in Belfast. In support of this work Kilbride Select Vestry agreed to give some financial assistance to the charity and today both Patricia and Kate presented a cheque for £300 to Rev. Brother Jardine who was delighted to receive it on behalf of Equipping for Life.
Patricia and Kate are pictured here with Rev. Brother Jardine at Harmony Primary School.
1st January, 2020 - Feast of the Naming of Jesus
The first service of the New Year was held this morning as the Feast of the Naming of Jesus was celebrated with Holy Communion. Parishioners enjoyed tea, coffee and warm mince pies, as well as some good conversation, in the Parish Room immediately after the service.