Guest preacher for this morning’s service will be Rev. Bro. David Jardine who will preaching on Equipping for Life.
Equipping for Life is a faith-based organisation, founded by Brother David Jardine in 2018. Its aim is to encourage Church people to give their services free of charge to serve those who live in areas that are deprived and may have suffered a great deal during the Troubles.
One area where the organisation is already involved is sending volunteers into schools to help children with their reading. This is going very well and, as volunteers are recruited, the project will grow and develop.
What makes Equipping for Life different is that all of the work is surrounded in prayer. This spiritual dimension is very important. Also, most of what is done is on a one-to-one basis, so that people can be given personal attention. Volunteers have begun working in the Greater Shankill area, but before long a move will be made into other deprived areas.
Brother David will be speaking on the whole project in our church at this morning’s service. If you think you have a heart for this work and would like to offer your practical skills or to pray for the ministry, do let the Rector know.
If you would like to find out more about this organisation and the work they are doing please follow this link to their website - Equipping for Life